The Situation

Wholesale Digital Signs is based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and provides custom sign solutions to retailers around the country. They solicited PostcardMania’s marketing services in order to widen their customer base and increase revenue.

The Solution

Design: A postcard marketing campaign targeting U.S. businesses with retail locations that features:

  • Professionally developed graphics including company logos and a product example
  • Large, brightly colored font that attracts the eyes of the reader
  • A special offer to entice potential leads
  • Easy to read contact information

Mailing List: Businesses in the United States with retail locations

Mailing Schedule: 9982 6” x 8.5” postcards mailed in multiple drops

The Results

WDS received 4 phone calls after the initial 5,000 postcard mail drop. They have since closed two deals with two more pending and have made $34,500 in revenue!

WDS received 4 phone calls after the initial 5,000 postcard mail drop. They have since closed two deals with two more pending and have made $34,500 in revenue! WDS has become accustomed to one-time purchases in their industry but referrals generated from this campaign are creating lifetime customers. They felt the highlight of their campaign was the postcard design as well as the catchphrase on the front of it.

Interested in doing a similar campaign for your business? Call us and we will get you connected with a marketing consultant who has experience creating campaigns for other business service organizations!

CSID: 31063