The Situation

Pocono Tax Relief is a tax service provider located in Tannersville, PA. They were looking for a creative way to let those with tax debt know about their services so they contacted PostcardMania for ideas.

The Solution

They went with a postcard that highlighted helping the recipient with their tax debt, an enticing offer for anyone with outstanding debt.

Pocono Tax Relief’s postcard design included:

  • An offer for 25% off their transcript analysis
  • Info detailing how they help with tax debt

Because Pocono Tax Relief sells tax services, they needed to target only those with outstanding debt. They used a mailing list to laser target those qualified for their service.

The Results

They spent $2,131.75 with postage included, and so far, they have made roughly $17,000. That’s a 697% ROI!

So far, they have made roughly $17,000!

Pocono Tax Relief received about 12 responses so far! 3 of those responses converted into sales, generating over $17,000!

Interested in doing a similar campaign for your business? Call us and we will get you connected with a marketing consultant who has experience creating campaigns for other tax service businesses!

CSID: 34856