The Situation

Morgner Air Conditioning and Heating Inc. is an HVAC company based in Groves, MO. They wanted to get a jump start on the winter season approaching and remind their customers to get their heating systems cleaned or installed but, they needed some fresh HVAC marketing ideas. They consulted with our marketing team to see how to best approach this marketing effort.

The Solution

Rick Morgner and his marketing rep worked together to achieve an eye-catching design, with a clear message that would remind customers and prospects to give them a call in the upcoming winter season. Including a good offer for $100 off a new water heater surely provided some extra incentive to get those phones ringing!

For the mailing list, Morgner Inc provided us with a list of 6,000 prospective and existing clients, to which we mailed once in time for winter.

The Results

300 responses and generated $12,000 in revenue from this campaign alone!

Morgner Air Conditioning and Heating Inc. had a great winter with their mailing! They received 300 responses and generated $12,000 in revenue from this campaign alone! If this is any indication of how the rest of their mailings will go, were sure theyll have a great year!

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