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The Situation

Climate Master Mechanical Contractors offers full air conditioning and heating system installations and services in the Mokena, IL area. They were looking for a marketing approach that would keep their customers coming back every season. They consulted our marketing experts to see what direct mail could do for them.

The Solution

Our marketing team advised the HVAC company of benefits of repeat mailing which have been proven to help other businesses in their industry sustain growth. Climate Master decided on an extended postcard campaign. Every year they mailed out two different postcards one for winter and one for summer. That way, they could get a jump on the competition and be at the forefront of their customers minds when the weather started to turn.

Climate Master has several different designs under their belt, but their postcards always include effective elements like:

  • Bright colors that stand out in the days mail pile
  • Easy-to-read sub headlines and bulleted text
  • Several valuable offers that customers will want to take advantage of and soon (because they have expiration dates)!

Each season they mailed 6,000 postcards to a list of customers from their database. Reaching out to current customers is a great tactic for drumming up more business every year, since they already trust and (hopefully!) like you.

Since Climate Master was getting such good results, they kept on mailing. At this point, they have been mailing with PostcardMania for more than four years!

The Results

322 jobs totaling $258,040 in sales!

Climate Master has proven that repeated postcard mailings WORK. Over the course of four years and eight seasonal mailings, the postcards generated 322 new projects that brought in $258,040 in revenue!

CSID: 3586