The Situation
Trenton Jewelers is a jewelry store located in Trenton, MI. They were looking for a creative way to let residents know about their products so they contacted PostcardMania for ideas.
The Solution
They decided on a brochure mail campaign centered around the upcoming holiday season. Seasonal campaigns have historically performed well for jewelry stores.
Trenton Jewelers’ postcard design included:
- Seasonal imagery to emphasize the coming holidays
- Multiple tiered coupons that entice the recipient
- Personalized signatures from the family owners giving this brochure a more personal feel
Because Trenton Jewelers sells expensive jewelry, they needed to cover their bases and make sure that their card reached not only nearby residents, but previous customers that they already know are willing to spend thousands on jewelry. So, their mailing list targeted those 2 groups – nearby residents in their community and a list of previous clients that are prequalified.
The Results
They spent $7,068.43 with postage included, and so far, they have made roughly $100,000. That’s a 1,315% ROI!
So far, they have made roughly $100,000!
Trenton Jewelers received over 750 responses! About 90% of those responses converted into sales, generating over $100,000!! They spent $7,068.43 with postage included, which is a 1,314% ROI!”
Interested in doing a similar campaign for your business? Call us and we will get you connected with a marketing consultant who has experience creating campaigns for other jewelry stores!