The Situation

Eastern Grounds Landscaping is a landscaping and snow removal company in Bowie, Idaho. They were looking for help in expanding their business with postcards, so they came to us for help.

The Solution

Eastern Grounds wanted to mail their postcards to their own customer base as well as a list of leads they had generated. Therefore, they needed a design that would get response from both lists.

Here’s what made their postcard design a success:

  • The bright, colorful landscaper image instantly grabs attention to clearly show that this is a landscaping company.
  • The headline communicates that yard work can be easy—and who doesn’t want that?!
  • The 25% OFF offer on the front is intentionally designed as a coupon—which makes the recipient feel like they’re getting steal-worthy deal!
  • The blue of the coupon contrasts against rest of the design, immediately making it pop out.
  • The call to action in bright yellow immediately jumps out at the recipient — telling them to call TODAY.

Eastern Grounds provided a list of their own customer base plus a list of their own leads they had generated. They mailed to these lists two times and got incredible results!

The Results

20 responses resulting in $8,000— a 189% ROI!

From just 4,491 postcards mailed out, 20 people responded— immediately generating $8,000 in revenue! This was an ROI of 189%, which is amazing for just 4,491 postcards mailed! However, the long-term ROI of this campaign is estimated at a staggering 3,521.8%… which means this campaign will continue to generate revenue even into the future for Eastern Grounds — and that’s what makes it a success!

Interested in doing a similar campaign for your business? Call us and we will get you connected with a marketing consultant who has experience creating campaigns for other Landscapers!

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