
This company’s postcard designs used pictures to connect with prospects and used efficient marketing copy to brand themselves as a personal and reliable auto care company. They chose images of their employees standing outside their repair shop looking very friendly. They used a few bullet points to communicate their company’s quality work, dependability and great customer service. Then, they offered recipients a special deal on a lube, oil, filter and signature inspection.

The Situation

Baker Road Service wanted to attract more customers from their local community. They knew they needed to invest in marketing, but weren’t sure which marketing tool was best for them. After reading about automotive postcard marketing, they consulted with our marketing experts to find out if it was the marketing solution they needed for their auto care business.

The Solution

They decided to give automotive postcards a shot and purchased a mailing list of 9,000 local residents in their neighboring zip codes. We designed two strategic postcards to get the word out about their auto care company. Both designs were similar, but they had slight differences to keep their marketing fresh with recipients. The postcards were mailed 2,000-6,000 at a time until every recipient on the mailing list had received both designs of the card.

The Results

We generated 80 new customers and $28,000 in revenue from our postcards!

Their campaigns were a huge success! They acquired 80 new customers from their postcards. They make $350 per appointment, on average, so their total revenue generation for their postcard marketing came to about $28,000!

CSID: 3612